AI online course for CEOs

Learn how to scale your business with AI for more profit and free time

No more wasting time, energy and money

We'll implement tools together with step-by-step guidance to ensure your company survives and grows like crazy!


As an entrepreneur or senior executive, you know you need to learn how to adopt AI to grow your business... but you don't know how, where, which tools to use and it keeps getting pushed lower down your to do list

You probably fall into 1 of these categories...


Don't know where to start

Each time you click on an Instagram or Linkedin post you save it to check the tools for later, which you hardly do, and when you do do it, you end up realising the tool was not that great in the 1st place.


Don't have enough time for trial and error

You are already busy enough between meetings, checking emails and actually doing your work and now looking into how to use these tools seems to be another full time job which you just don't have time for.


Don't know where it can help you

There are too many options and too many click bait posts with list of tools and they are not even great, so you search Youtube and end up going down a rabbit hole and you still don't know where AI can help you.

AI is vital in business. Companies that don't embrace it risk vanishing in 4 years replaced by rivals. Adapt and harness AI now to ensure a secure future for your company and your role.

How great would you feel if...

  • You could stop wasting time in trial and error and find out exactly what tools to use and how?
  • You could manage fewer people and agencies and have more peace of mind?
  • You could slash your costs?
  • You could manage to 10x your revenue?
  • You could save 1 -2 days of work a week?
  • You could receive a clear roadmap on how to grow your business with my 13 years expert experience?
  • You could fast track your business to more profitability and productivity?
  • You could finally have work life balance and free time for yourself?
  • Your company and role can survive?

No fluff. Straight to the point

As a fellow busy founder, I understand your needs. You're looking for more than just business mentorship – you want a clear roadmap for growth and real, hands on approach to implement the AI tools at your work. Let's tackle any growth and implementation pains together so you can focus on your priorities head-on.

See what others have to say

"Prior to meeting Nidhima, my business faced challenges with overwhelming uncertainty. However, in just a short period, she orchestrated a transformation, providing me with a clear roadmap, achievable goals, and the ideal tools.

Through her guidance, I learned that what once seemed like a year-long endeavour could be achieved in just a few months, significantly reducing costs. Nidhima's expertise as a startup superhero, coupled with her AI knowledge, proved invaluable. I am now thriving in my business and getting closer to launch, all thanks to her. If you're seeking a business and AI expert for your startup, look no further than Nidhima!"

Carolin Baumgartner, Founder of a career matching service

"After launching my website and Instagram page, I felt stuck and disappointed when customers didn't come flooding in. That's when I connected with Nidhima Kohli, the AI business strategist, and everything changed.

With her ready-made solutions and AI expertise, my business growth and strategy has skyrocketed, and costs and costs have significantly cut. No more overwhelming tools – just practical ones that work even for non-tech-savvy people like me.

Nidhima's guidance has transformed my business and life forever, revealing the true power of AI. I'm now confidently navigating the world of AI tools, all thanks to her!"

Leila Ahmed, Founder of Beck & Doodle, sustainable baby clothes

"I really enjoyed it. I am the anomaly among entrepreneurs of not really understanding AI (don't have a tech background) so I found this so interesting and eye-opening to see what can be done. I am going to look into the tools"

Baillie, Founder of Being in Between

"I was one of those awful people who had their camera off, but basically  I was in the park sat in a corner and watched/ listened to your session. Really practical. Really direct - loved how you spoke about it - right paced - everything was great - thanks so much - I am already using the plug in and got sales looking at your suggestions!"

Jamie, Co-Founder of Deployed

"I enjoyed learning about your use of the tools and have already sent some tools to my marketing team to implement and use"

Eugene, Founder of Parkopedia

"Nidhima’s course provides great actionable insights into a range of AI tools tailored to real business cases which makes it easy to implement straight away"

Rajeeb, Co-Founder of Learnerbly

"Nidhima’s expert knowledge of AI tools has helped us drive growth. Her guidance, coupled with her insights into the challenges founders experience, has been invaluable. Her webinar was really helpful and we can’t wait to try the additional tools she has bought to our attention"

Laura, Founder of Inside Out

"I found the session to be really good because of all the practical tips and also because it was straight to the point and concise with real life examples. Incorporating AI is definitely a game changer for entrepreneurs"

Evgeny, Founder of Makers and Startup Founder Coach

"As someone who’s new to direct marketing, Nidhima’s course was eye opening as to what tools were available and how much I could do with so little effort"

Peter, Founder of

Who am I though?

Hello, I'm Nidhima Kohli.

  • A serial AI entrepreneur
  • After working in Investment banking I launched my 1st AI business in 2012, 1 of the largest AI powered online marketplaces and bootstrapped it to 32m customers.
  • In 2018 I launched my 2nd AI business selling an AI software to large companies internationally.
  • In 2022 I launched a 3rd business which was Private Equity backed.
  • I won the European AI Award 2019
  • I won the European Innovation Award at the UK Parliament
  • I won the GCC 100 Top Innovations Award 2023
  • Now I help businesses scale with AI adoption to fastrack their profitability and help founders to achieve more work life balance.

I have been in your shoes and so I know how to help you!

  • As a senior executive in top investment banks or as a startup founder, I understand your pain points!
  • A lot of anxiety
  • Feeling lonely and overwhelmed
  • Feeling time (and cash) poor
  • Too many people, agencies and projects to manage
  • Burnout, (twice!)
  • Lack of holidays and being able switch off
  • Stressed and the list goes on

Thats why I launched this course! AI has completely changed the game. Now it is about working smarter, not harder. Success means more profitability and free time and I will show you how.

AI will transform your life for the better

Unleash the full potential of your business with my 6 Pillars for AI success and ensure your company survives and you have 1-2 more free time per week!

6 Pillars for AI Success

AI Lab for Entrepreneurs Course:
1 module per week, 90minutes sessions and 30min Q&A

Starts early October

Module 1

Speed up Strategic Content, SEO & Email Mastery with AI

  • Creative content: Advanced SEO copy for higher visibility, convert speech to text, craft compelling email and social media copy, write converting copy across channels, analyse website copy for valuable insights, rewrite and adjust tone for different audiences, optimise product/ service descriptions for sales conversions
  • SEO: All-in-one platform for local listings, reviews, and marketing reports, AI-powered phrase and question research, keyword research and competitor analysis, site audits for website optimisation, scale search with search volume, cpc & competition analysis, AI-driven visitor questions exploration, create catchy headlines in seconds
  • Supercharged email: Design beautiful and effective emails, instantly generating personalised email drafts with AI, quiz marketing for enhanced engagement, automated workflows with pre-designed templates, crafting compelling newsletter copy

Module 2

Supercharge Your Social & Digital Content with AI

  • Social powerhouse in minutes: Produce high-quality content in bulk efficiently, craft attention-grabbing captions for social posts, keep an eye on competitors and stay ahead, schedule posts for optimal engagement, monitor trends to capitalise on viral opportunities, create engaging carousel content for storytelling, generate marketing copy in multiple languages
  • Running digital ads: Instantly generate on-brand creatives & copy across platforms, centralise and automate paid social for boosted performance, streamlined planning and keyword structure with AI, automated A/B testing for effective ad optimisation, harnessing growth hacking strategies with AI

Module 3

Leverage AI for Video & Podcast Success

  • Video mastery: Repurpose videos for maximum impact, captions that grab attention and drive engagement, easy editing techniques for polished videos, share videos strategically across platforms, resize videos for different social media channels, add interactive links to boost viewer interactions, grow your YouTube channel with effective strategies, create your own music for video soundtracks
  • Podcast marketing: Record remote podcasts and video interviews in studio quality, easy editing and post-production, simple scheduling and invitations, AI-Generated transcripts, show notes, and episode descriptions, attention-grabbing titles and descriptions for your podcast, user-friendly podcast hosting for all, automated promotion and performance tracking, optimal sound for video podcasting and audiobooks

Module 4

AI Marketing Strategies for Enhanced Engagement

  • Chatbots customer service: Chatbots for marketing and support, automate interactive conversations across multiple platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Website and SMS
  • Scaling marketing: Testimonials at scale, personalised product recommendations, scaling events with AI assistance, engaging live sessions with AI Integration 
  • Influencers: Discover millions of influencers across platforms, efficiently connect brands & influencers, manage campaigns and influencer relationships, simplified payment processing for influencers, measure ROI of influencer marketing efforts

Module 5

Grow Your B2B Business & Brand with Remarkable Speed

  • PR: Writing press releases for effective communication, professional headshots for press articles and speaking opportunities, efficiently connecting with journalists, brands, and experts, webpage monitoring for brand insights
  • Linkedin for personal branding and growth: AI-powered growth strategies for Linkedin, all-in-one personal branding tool for Linkedin, creating engaging and timely content, relationship building and result monitoring, automated Linkedin outreach for collaborations, autopilot sales and meeting generation
  • B2B business development: Automated cadences for efficient lead generation, AI-generated presentations and design, generate leads from major networks & websites, Linkedin contact scraping and outreach automation, triple B2B lead generation on Linkedin

Module 6

Scale Your Productivity to Unseen Heights

  • Productivity to save time: AI-driven time tracking platform, video summarisation for time-saving insights, email productivity and clearing assistance, AI driven email assistant
  • Streamlining tasks & calendars: Productivity AI assistant for streamlined task management, AI-optimized team calendars for time management, online white boarding and collaborative productivity platform

Extras - there is so much more I want to give you!

Bonuses, pre-recorded videos as I want to give you more!

  • Special tools at special prices: How to find great deals for tools and resources 
  • Building websites and apps: Instant website building for all devices for new product/ service launches or new businesses, AI - powered builder for quick business launch, rapid app development, turn traffic into leads with landing page templates, create high-converting checkout pages and funnels, build SaaS platforms, marketplaces, e-commerce sites without code
  • Image wizardy: Explore the world of 3D photography, enhance photos to make them visually appealing, master the art of creating stunning images, restore and enhance old images to their former glory, skilfully remove backgrounds for clean visuals
  • Collateral with branding: Design eye-catching logos with AI assistance, effective brand asset management with AI platform, generate dynamic design variations for marketing collateral, quick and versatile design wizard for flyers to banners, build a unique colour palette and font selection (for beginners)

Ready to get un-stuck?

Embark on a transformative journey with this course that will elevate your life to new heights. Your path to building a thriving business starts now.


What happens if I miss the session?

DOn't worry. I have been a founder for 12 years, built multiple businesses so I understand things can pop up, so i have you covered. You can just login to the portal and watch the recording of the lesson so you don't miss out on anything.

Do I receive notes?

You receive a workbook with step by step screen shots for every step of the way. It's easy peasy and I'm here to help you. You also receive the workbook and checklist.

Do you offer any discounts?

No and this is because you see an ROI within your first 2-3 weeks of taking the course already and you receive bonuses before the course and end of the course with a lot more than has been promised. You save tons of expenses, you increase your revenue and your free time for you and your team?

What if I want to bring more people from my team on the course?

No problem at all. I offer team discounts of 25% for each additional team member and I also offer Corporate Workshops in case you want to deep dive into 1 specific subject, just contact our support team.

When is the course held?

I teach it in person on Fridays 9-11am or 4-6pm and we are starting the cohort first week of October. If you cannot attend, no problem, you can login to your portal and access the learning whenever you are free.

Who is the course for?

For Leaders in their space and entrepreneurs. We are stage agnostic and business agnostic. You know why? Because the end platforms are the same for everyone. For instance for marketing it doesn't matter if you are in Fashion or Books or SaaS, the platforms are always the same i.e. Linkedin, Instagram etc. So if you are a solopreneur, a founder of a PE backed company or a Director of E-commerce or SaaS this course is for you too. The course is for people to up skill their marketing, business development and productivity. So if you work in Logistics or Finance department of a company this might not be the course for you.

How long will I have access to the course?

1 year.

How long is the course?

It is for 6 weeks on Fridays for 90min teaching and around 30min answering questions.

When are you holding your next webinar?

The best choice is for you to contact me so I can add you to the waitlist.

What are the main learnings from the course?

The first and most important is you learn how to create more free time for yourself (and your team) if you have one. How come? Because you let the AI take care of a lot of the work. The other benefits you see is having to manage less people, lower costs, more productivity and more income. You also manage to up skill yourself which makes you more employable and harder to replace vs someone who doesn't know how to use AI at work and if you have investors, your company will be more attractive to investors.

How will the course benefit me?

After interviewing more than 350 people I saw 95% were still not adopting the latest AI tools in their day to day work. Some used Chat GPT and others tools for taking notes, however most people said they didn't have time to figure out which tools to use, how to use them, how to choose between researching the tools vs implementing them or they had other priorities. This course helps you "get the job done" so by the end of it you learn HOW to use different tools and most importantly how to create more free time and revenue for yourself.

Do I receive a certificate at the end of the course?

Yes you will be provided with a copy with all your learnings and the date.


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